Monday, March 21, 2022


No Way, Your Majesty 

What to do when our elected officials act like Emperors

During the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette was famous for one thing.  When she was confronted with the fact that her French subjects were starving, she made the comment: “Let them eat cake.”  This is a famous blunder and over the centuries has come to describe politicians (or anyone in power) who are so out of touch with their people that they make ridiculous statements that show how little self-awareness they have.

It has become clear that our government is being run by officials who have no idea what the people of this country are thinking, doing, and living through. Our President is abandoning fossil fuels in the same way he evacuated Afghanistan.  With no thought whatsoever except to get out as fast as he can!


And not only are his policy decisions destructive to the country, he is making them as if he were a monarch with no accountability.  We cannot afford to have a domestic and foreign policy run by someone who prefers to by-pass Congress and who only serves the hard left of this country. 

The same goes for what’s going on in the Governor’s mansion.  Roy Cooper seems to think that after hundreds of years, North Carolina no longer needs a legislative branch, known collectively as the General Assembly.  Emperor Cooper will go down in history as “Veto Roy”!  He has now set the record for the most vetoes of any sitting Governor in our history with 70 vetoes in only five years.  That is more than TWICE as many as the four past Governors… COMBINED.  And WOW does he like executive orders!  He just proclaimed his… ahem… 251st executive order.  Do you see a pattern here?

We are stuck with Roy Cooper until January of 2025 when his final term as Governor is up.  But we can put an end to reign in the election on November 8th.  The only reason he gets away with his vetoes is because there are just enough Democrats in the General Assembly to prevent an override of the vetoes.  


Consider Cooper's most recent veto:  the “Free the Smiles Act” (NC Senate bill 173). This bill allows parents to decide whether their child should wear face coverings when attending public schools.  It was passed by a wide margin of bi-partisan support in the State House and Senate.  However, King Cooper didn’t like the fact that it came to him from a Republican controlled legislature, so he vetoed it.  When the bill went back to the General Assembly for override, all the Democrats that had voted for the bill refused to vote to override the veto.  Wow.  Talk about a bunch of frightened robots… isn’t that insane?


We can stop this insanity.  By flipping just a few seats from Democrat to Republican, we can prevent "Emperor Cooper" from overturning the will of the people's legislature in Raleigh. My race for the North Carolina Senate is one such seat that is ripe to flip from Democrat to Republican and I need your help.  Please click the button below to visit our website where you can sign up to help and support our campaign. 

"Let us be sure that those who come after will say of us in our time, that we did everything that could be done. We finished the race; we kept them free; we kept the faith." 


-President Ronald W. Reagan

I am one of the independent thinking Republicans who do not fear Cooper.  By electing me and others like me, we can give the house and senate the super- majority needed to override any veto that Cooper enacts in his last years in office.  To do so,  voters must send two more Republicans to the Senate and three more Republicans to the House than we currently have.  


that represent the will of all the people without the interference of the hyper-partisan “Emperor” who currently inhabits our Governor’s mansion.  Mecklenburg County has finally had enough and is about to start moving back to the right.  40% of Mecklenburg voters are registered “Unaffiliated”.  This November, a large chunk of them and many of the silent but prominent moderate Democrats will be voting Republican.


We all know what happened to Marie Antoinette shortly after she said “let them eat cake.”  Now I am not advocating the guillotine for the out of touch Democrats currently running things from Washington and Raleigh but I am for getting rid of all of them this November at the ballot box!  Maybe then we can have a government that both understands and cares about the people of this country.

Please visit our website for more information or to DONATE:

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