Monday, January 17, 2022

Reverend Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2022

In addition to being the pre-eminent civil rights leader of our time, Reverend Dr Martin Luther King, Jr was a Reverend first. He loved Jesus. His speech on the national mall encapsulated all that we are as Americans by sharing with us his dream of reaching our full potential when we stopped judging people by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. He knew that God created all of us equal as His children.  Equal. The same. And that government didn’t give us our rights, its only job was to insure and protect the rights that God had already given us.  

Celebrate Reverend King today as he truly was God's prophet in the mid 20th century. A prophet that changed the way we behaved as a society toward ourselves by seeing and treating each other as we truly are.  Equals and all God's children.  Happy Martin Luther King Day and may God bless you!

Mark Robeson
PO Box 11993
Charlotte, NC  28220

Saturday, January 1, 2022


 Happy New Year everyone! I’m Mark Robeson, candidate for the North Carolina Senate in Charlotte’s District 42.  If you are like me, you are ready to be “out with the old” and “in with the new” in 2022! For the first time in a long time, I think we can look forward to a new year full of hope and promise! 

 Charlotte (and America as a whole) is the land of new beginnings which is why thousands work so hard to come to our “shining city on a hill” legally every year. To get a fresh start and second chance at life where the only thing holding you back is your own imagination and will to succeed. We have a chance at true renewal this year here in our city and a big part of that is in the voting booth in November. 

 We can change and get that fresh start from the endless spiral that we’ve been caught up in electing people who only care about themselves and destroying what we have worked so hard to build. We can vote for new leadership, both in our city as well as state and nation. 

 Over the course of my campaign, I will talk to you about issues facing North Carolina and Charlotte in particular. Issues like combating a skyrocketing violent crime rate, our education system and how to get it back on track and a state budget that seems to forget that Charlotte is its biggest contributor. 

 I hope you will join me on this trail whether it be financial support, as a volunteer, hosting an event or just putting a sign in your yard or bumper magnet on your car. My fellow Charlotteans, let’s have true renewal in 2022 and put all the ills and mistakes of the past behind us. It’s going to be a great year and may God bless all of you!

Mark Robeson
PO Box 11993
Charlotte, NC  28220