It’s been almost two years since we first heard the slogan “Defund the Police.” In those two years, crime has skyrocketed nationwide, and it is not getting any better. For every action there is a consequence, and this may take the cake for one of the worst ideas in American history (right up there with giving free crack pipes to drug addicts… but I digress).
The purpose of government is to ensure American’s individual freedoms and the rights that our creator gave us of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Everything that comes across the desk of any leader should pass what I call the “LL&P test.” Leaders should always ask themselves: “Does this idea/legislation/executive order/mandate (or whatever) pass the Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness test?” Defunding the police is not only the worst idea I have seen (out of countless bad ideas I have witnessed over the last year) but fails the LL&P test abysmally. The very purpose of police is to keep the order and protect citizens rights… to keep citizens’ rights to LL&P and protect the population from others who are hell-bent on their own self-interests which trample the rights of others. Murder, rape, aggravated assaults, armed robbery and all other horrible deeds criminals commit violate others rights which is why we have police in the first place. Oh, if you had told me two short years ago that I would actually have to make a case for having a police force, I would have thought you insane. But here we are.
Many politicians who were all in favor of defunding the police are now seeing poll numbers (not crime statistics) that say voters are against defunding the police, so they are walking their comments back. Meanwhile, other politicians of the more extreme variety are doubling down on their calls to defund the police. Imagine… doubling down!
The first time I heard the shocking phrase, I remember immediately trying to think like a police officer. That is when it occurred to me that governments defunding the police wouldn’t be necessary as they wouldn’t have any police left to defund after a few short years. When you treat people like garbage whose job is to protect you from harm and create order in a sometimes order-less society, there will be consequences, like it or not. How have some people in this great country become so ungrateful of an entire group of people who protect them? How could people expect anything less than lawlessness and skyrocketing crime to be a result of this madness?
The good news is that the damage done is not irreparable, as the quiet majority of citizens (what I call the “moderate middle”) of this great country are beginning to stand up and show support for our LEO’s (Law Enforcement Officers). The morale of the police cannot go much lower, but we are learning how important they are to all of us in a whole new way. This November, you and all your neighbors have the opportunity to elect new leadership in this city, state and nation who will not only FUND the police but support them as they put themselves in harm’s way to protect our freedoms.
I would like to make Charlotte and our state the place where human trafficking goes to die. State and local law enforcement need the tools and manpower to take the gloves off when it comes to fighting crime and protecting exploited children. Period. Our leaders in government must make punishment so extreme that the desire to perpetrate the crimes will disappear altogether. We can start by enforcing the 13th amendment to the US Constitution. This amendment bans slavery and human trafficking is exactly that. We MUST get tough on crime, or we will become a society of anarchy and mob rule. We are already beginning to see what that dystopian world might look like when we observe the direction of crime in our major cities like Chicago, New York and San Francisco. But like a cancer, it will spread nationwide. The time to act is NOW.
Help me change the course of where we are headed in our city, our state, and our nation this November. I humbly ask for your vote for the NC State Senate and ask that you consider a donation to my campaign to help me get the word out. The time to return to a government of, by and for the people has arrived!
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